Enter Your Cozy Mystery For An Expert Review, Or A Much-Deserved Book Award, Or Both. Let’s face it, you worked very hard to craft your novel and it deserves to be recognized. Writing a great novel is not an easy thing to do. Now is the time to show off what you have accomplished. One way to get your book known is by having experts tell the world how great your novel truly is. Book Marketing Tools says, “Winning a book award [or getting a book review] brings much personal satisfaction to authors and publishers in addition to the credibility and prestige it brings the book. In addition, a book award opens doors of new opportunities for publicity and sales. Even if your book does not win a book award, you can know that simply through participating in a book award, you have helped raise the overall value of your own book through helping to continue to elevate the overall value of books for consumers.”
We agree with Book Marketing Tools 100%. Here at Distinguished Cozy Mystery Awards we believe firmly that book awards and reviews should not just be reserved for some novels and not cozy mysteries, all the great cozies should be getting high honors.
So, now is the time to take action and get your book the notoriety that it so rightly deserves. Right about now you’re thinking to yourself: How do you get your cozy mystery the time in the sun that it deserves? How do you get your cozy mystery to stand out? How do you get recognized for your artistry? Just fill out the quick application here. Who can apply? We accept applications from all comers (Authors, Cozy Mystery Readers/Fans, Publicists, Editors, Literary Agents, Publishers, Etc.) Now is the time to apply for our Spring 2023 Book Awards Contest and get an Expert Book Review, as well. The deadline is Friday, June 16th 2023. So, don’t delay, just get in your application today to get the recognition that you deserve! Apply Now!